Degree Programs < Missouri University of Science and Technology (2024)

Missouri S&T offers bachelor of science (BS) and bachelor of arts (BA) degrees. You can major in engineering, science, business, or the liberal arts. You can get a background for law or medicine or other professional studies.

In many disciplines there are emphasis areas which are areas of concentration within a degree program. If you choose an emphasis area, you will take some of your elective hours in specified courses in that area. Your advisor can guide you toward the election of courses you should take if you choose an emphasis area.

Degree programs and emphasis areas are listed below. Degree programs are in capitals, emphasis areas are lower case subheads followed by degree abbreviation if restricted to that degree.



Actuarial Science
Algebra/Discrete Mathematics
Applied Analysis
Computational Mathematics
Data Science and Statistics
Secondary Education


Construction Engineering & Project Management
Construction Materials
Environmental Systems for Buildings
Structural Engineering


Medical Laboratory Scientist (BS)
Pre-Medicine (BA)
Secondary Education (BA)


Enterprise Resource Planning
Human Computer Interaction
Management Information Systems
Secondary Education



Biochemical Engineering


Biochemistry (BS)
Polymer & Coatings Science (BS)
Pre-Medicine (BS)
Secondary Education (BA)


Construction Engineering
Environmental Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Materials Engineering
Structural Engineering
Transportation Engineering
Water Resources Engineering


Computational Intelligence
Computer Architecture & Embedded Systems
Integrated Circuits & Logic Design
Networking, Security, & Dependability



Economics/Business (BS)
Secondary Education (BA)


Early Childhood Education (preK-3)
Educational Studies
Middle School Language Arts
Middle School Math
Middle School Science
Middle School Social Studies


Circuits & Electronics
Communications & Signal Processing
Computer Engineering
Controls & Systems
Optics & Devices
Power & Energy


Industrial Engineering
Management of Technology
Manufacturing Engineering
Packaging Engineering
Quality Engineering


English Education



Secondary Education


Engineering Geology & Geotechnics
Environmental Protection & Hazardous Waste
Groundwater Hydrology & Contaminant Transport
Petroleum, Energy & Natural Resources
Quarry Engineering


Groundwater & Environmental Geochemistry
Petroleum Geology


Secondary Education (BA)


Enterprise Resource Planning
Human Computer Interaction


Control Systems
Energy Conversion
Environmental Systems
Manufacturing Processes
Materials Science
Mechanical Design and Analysis
Systems Integration
Thermal Science


Chemical Metallurgy
Manufacturing Metallurgy
Physical Metallurgy


Explosives Engineering
Mining & the Environment
Mining Health & Safety
Quarry Engineering
Sustainable Development


French Language and French Speaking Cultures
Global Engineering
Spanish Language and Spanish Speaking Cultures





Applied Physics
Secondary Education


Cognition & Neuroscience
Diversity & Inclusion
Health Psychology
Human Factors
Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Secondary Education

Bachelor of Arts Degree

General Requirements

This degree can be earned in the following areas: biological sciences, chemistry, economics, history, multidisciplinary studies, and psychology.

A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for a bachelor of arts degree with an average of at least two grade points per credit hour to be obtained. At least 45 hours of the student’s work must be taken of the upper-class (course numbered 3000 or above) level.

Requirements for the bachelor of arts degree follow:

I. Basic Skills and Concepts (a)

  1. Composition: ENGLISH1120 and one additional three hour composition course(b) 6 hrs.
  2. Western Civilization (HISTORY1100 and HISTORY1200) 6 hrs.
  3. Foreign languages,(c)(d) 12 hours of a single foreign language or 16 hours (8+8) of two foreign languages.
    1. At least three semesters of basic study in a single foreign language or two semesters in each of two foreign languages: French, German, Russian, Spanish, or an approved substitute language.
    2. One year of basic study in one foreign language, either French, German, Russian, Spanish, or an approved substitute, and a humanities or social sciences course taught in a foreign country and employing the language of that country.
    3. One year of basic study in each of two foreign languages: French, German, Russian, Spanish, or an approved substitute language.

II. General Education Requirements

  1. Sciences (12 hrs.): At least one course taken in each of the biological (biological sciences), physical (chemistry, geology and geophysics, and physics), and mathematical(e) (mathematics/ statistics and computer science) sciences, but not to include MATH1101 or COMPSCI1010. A laboratory also may count – at the discretion of the student’s major department – toward the total requirement.
  2. Humanities (12 hrs.): At least one course in each of the three areas of literature (English and American), philosophy, and fine arts (art, music and theater), but not to include studio and performance offerings. This requirement is exclusive of courses in the student’s major field.
  3. Social Sciences (12 hrs.): Courses in at least two of the following areas: economics, political science, psychology, and sociology. This requirement is exclusive of courses in the student’s major field.

III. Major Field Requirements

  1. Specific major field requirements in each discipline are given in the entry of that discipline.
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 must be earned in all course work taken in the major field. Upper-class (3000- and 4000-level) courses completed with grades of “D” may not be included in the major field without the approval of the chairman of the department concerned.
  3. At least nine hours of upper-class work in the major field must be completed in residence at Missouri S&T.

IV. Minor Field Requirements

  1. Specific minor field requirements in each discipline are given in the entry of that discipline.
  2. A cumulative grade point average of 2.0 must be earned in all course work required in the minor field.
  3. A least six hours of work in the minor field must be completed in residence at Missouri S&T.

V. Elective Credits

  1. In consultation with his or her advisor, each student will elect sufficient additional courses to complete a minimum of 120 credit hours.
  2. Basic ROTC (military science and aerospace studies) may be taken in the freshman and sophom*ore years. Up to 12 credit hours (depending on the student’s major) of advanced courses in ROTC may be credited toward a degree.



For transfer students these requirements may be met by equivalent course work completed at other institutions.


An entering student may quiz out of ENGLISH1120 Exposition And Argumentation (3 hours) on the basis of Advanced Placement (AP) standing, through various examinations offered by the College-Level Examinations Program (CLEP subject exams) through the Missouri S&T placement examination program based on Missouri College English Test (MCET) and Cooperative School and College Ability Test (SCAT) scores.


This requirement cannot be satisfied through foreign civilization courses which are taught in English. A student who has studied French or Spanish prior to enrolling in courses at Missouri S&T will be required to take a placement exam that will determine the appropriate course for his/her level of preparation. Students may not enroll in or receive credit for a course taken below their placement level. All course placement requires instructor’s approval.

A student may receive foreign language credit by examination with a score of 3, 4, or 5 on the language or literature AP exam or with a score in the 75th percentile or above on the CLEP exam.


Upon approval of the department chair students seeking teacher certification may substitute 11-16 hours of certification courses for their foreign language requirement. Students electing to make this substitution must complete the certification program to receive their chosen bachelors of arts degree.


The mathematics/statistics requirement may be satisfied by (1) examination or (2) the presentation of 2.5 high school units, including 1.5 units of algebra and excluding general mathematics. The student will not, however, receive hour credit so he or she must take another course to fulfill the 12 hours.

VI. General Education Communications Requirements

Each department will provide students with opportunities to enhance their writing and speaking skills (beyond the required class) by requiring that they complete at least two communications intensive courses (CI), at least one of which should be in the student’s major. Communication intensive (CI) courses may be focused on writing, speaking, or combinations thereof. Two communications emphasized (CE) courses may be used at the equivalent of one CI course (for example, four CE courses would substitute for two CI courses, but an appropriate substitute for the one CI course in the student’s major). These requirements will be formally tracked and monitored by the degree audit to ensure that each graduating student is meeting the communications component of the general education requirement.

VII. Experiential Learning Requirement

All students at Missouri S&T are required to participate in appropriate experiential learning activities. Experiential learning refers to learning stimulated by a variety of structured activities that differ significantly from the traditional lecture format. Experiential learning activities are designed to require students to go beyond mastering basic skills and knowledge in the application of that material to problem solving challenges. These activities involve collaboration and reflective learning and allow students to learn in environments that align with their aptitudes.

VIII. Missouri Higher Education Civics Achievement Examination

In accordance with the Missouri Senate Bill 807 (section 170.013.1), 'any student entering a public institution of higher education for the first time after July 2019 who is pursuing an associate's or bachelor's degree from such institution shall successfully pass an examination on the provisions and principles of American civics with a score of seventy percent or greater as a condition of graduation from such institution'. To satisfy this requirement at Missouri S&T, students access the exam through the Canvas site. This requirement will be listed in the degree audit system as "ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO PASS A CIVICS EXAM PRIOR TO GRADUATION. EXAM IS AVAILABLE IN CANVAS" and listed on the transcript as 'Missouri Civics Examination'.

For Missouri S&T, any student who has a catalog year of FS2019 or later, will have the graduation requirement of the civics exam.

Bachelor of Science Degree

This degree can be earned in the following areas: aerospace engineering, applied mathematics, architectural engineering, biological sciences, business and management systems, ceramic engineering, chemical engineering, chemistry, civil engineering, computer engineering, computer science, economics, education, electrical engineering, engineering management, English and technical communication, environmental engineering, environmental science, geological engineering, geology and geophysics, history, information science and technology, mechanical engineering, metallurgical engineering, mining engineering, nuclear engineering, petroleum engineering, philosophy, physics, and psychology.


Missouri S&T bachelor's level engineering programs in aerospace engineering, architectural engineering, ceramic engineering, chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, engineering management, environmental engineering, geological engineering, mechanical engineering, metallurgical engineering, mining engineering, nuclear engineering, and petroleum engineering are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Missouri law requires that all applicants for registration as professional engineers be graduates of engineering programs accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,, or possess an education which includes at the minimum a baccalaureate degree in engineering and which, in the opinion of the registration board, equals or exceeds the education received by a graduate of a program accredited by EAC/ABET. Applicants who receive advanced degrees from Missouri S&T engineering programs, but do not have undergraduate engineering degrees, may not be eligible for registration in Missouri. Such applicants may wish to consider studying toward a bachelor's degree in their chosen engineering field. If so they should consult with their department chairman regarding specific requirements. All eligible graduates are strongly encouraged to seek professional engineer registration.

Missouri S&T bachelor's level computer science program is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,

Minimum Requirements

A minimum of 120 credit hours is required for a Bachelor of Science degree with an average of at least two grade points per credit hour to be obtained. The following general education requirements must be met:

  1. Communications
    1. ENGLISH1120
    2. One writing intensive course in major OR two writing emphasized courses in major
    3. One writing intensive course out of major OR two writing emphasized courses out of major
  2. Humanities plus Social Sciences
    1. 21 credit hours (must be content approved by the department and school)
  3. Mathematics and Science
    1. Total of 18 credit hours
    2. College algebra or higher
    3. May include up to 3 credit hours of psychology

Experiential Learning Requirement

All students at Missouri S&T are required to participate in appropriate experiential learning activities. Experiential learning refers to learning stimulated by a variety of structured activities that differ significantly from the traditional lecture format. Experiential learning activities are designed to require students to go beyond mastering basic skills and knowledge in the application of that material to problem solving challenges. These activities involve collaboration and reflective learning and allow students to learn in environments that align with their aptitudes.

Missouri Higher Education Civics Achievement Examination

In accordance with the Missouri Senate Bill 807 (section 170.013.1), 'any student entering a public institution of higher education for the first time after July 2019 who is pursuing an associate's or bachelor's degree from such institution shall successfully pass an examination on the provisions and principles of American civics with a score of seventy percent or greater as a condition of graduation from such institution'. To satisfy this requirement at Missouri S&T, students access the exam through the Canvas site. This requirement will be listed in the degree audit system as "ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO PASS A CIVICS EXAM PRIOR TO GRADUATION. EXAM IS AVAILABLE IN CANVAS" and listed on the transcript as 'Missouri Civics Examination'.

For Missouri S&T, any student who has a catalog year of FS2019 or later, will have the graduation requirement of the civics exam.

Dual Bachelor's Degree

Combination curricula leading to two baccalaureate degrees can be arranged in any two fields. The amount of additional credit required for the second baccalaureate degree will be based on the student’s educational background and determined for each case by the academic department which offers the curriculum leading to the second degree. The chair of the department will submit a list of the specific course and credit hour requirements, together with the student’s transcript, to the provost for approval. This list will then be forwarded to the registrar and constitute the official requirement for the second degree. A student entering Missouri S&T with a baccalaureate degree must take a minimum of 30 hours to receive another bachelor’s degree.

When requirements for a degree in two departments have been completed without either degree being awarded, both degrees may be awarded at the same commencement.

Engineering Degree Requirements

All engineering degree programs must be consistent with the following minimum requirements.

The requirements of the degree program shall consist of 120-130 credit hours. Additional hours may be required for specific choices of electives or emphasis areas. Courses that are at a lower level of coverage than the required courses in the curriculum (e.g. algebra, trigonometry, intro to physics, etc.) may not be counted toward the degree program credit hours. An average of at least two grade points per credit hour must be obtained for all credits counted toward the degree. In addition, an average of at least two grade points per credit hour must be obtained for all credits taken in the student’s major department.

The degree program shall include all courses in the common engineering freshman year.

Engineering degree programs will have a minimum of 21 credit hours of humanities/social-sciences as specified below. Many engineering degree programs will require specific humanities and social sciences courses to meet the requirements below. Specific engineering programs should be reviewed for their added requirements. Engineering degree programs shall include:

  • ENGLISH1120
  • HISTORY1200 or HISTORY1300 or HISTORY1310 or POLSCI1200
  • ECON1100 or ECON1200
  • Communication elective: ENGLISH1160 orENGLISH1600/TCHCOM1600 orENGLISH3560 or
  • The remaining minimum of 9 additional credit hours must be three-credit hour lecture courses offered in disciplines in the humanities and social sciences. *Humanities courses are defined as those in : art, English and technical communication, etymology, foreign languages, music, philosophy, speech and media studies, and theatre. Social sciences courses are defined as those in: economics, history, political science, and psychology. Some curricula may require the completion of a specified number of upper-level humanities/social sciences (H/SS) courses. Upper-level H/SS courses are defined as those at the 2000-level or above, and that require as a prerequisite the successful completion of a lower-level H/SS course. Study abroad courses may count as upper-level H/SS courses, even if they do not have a prerequisite. H/SS courses numbered 2001, 3001, and 4001 (experimental courses) may also be used to complete these elective requirements.

Courses in business, education, information science and technology, or any other discipline not listed above will not satisfy the humanities/social sciences elective requirement, although such courses may count toward general education requirements. Transfer credits from other universities in sociology and general humanities may count as humanities or social science electives.

*ENGLISH1160, ENGLISH1600/TCHCOM1600, ENGLISH3560, and do not count toward the remaining minimum of 9 additional credit hours in humanities/social sciences electives

Degree Programs < Missouri University of Science and Technology (2024)


Is Missouri S&T worth it? ›

The Wall Street Journal and College Pulse, which ranked S&T the No. 1 university in Missouri and No. 18 best public university in the nation. The Princeton Review, which ranked S&T third in the nation for career placement and 24th among public universities for return on investment.

What does Missouri S&T offer? ›

Real-World Ready Education

We offer diverse areas of study in business, computing, education, engineering, information technology, the liberal arts and humanities, and the physical and social sciences.

What GPA do you need to get into Missouri University of Science and Technology? ›

Minimum Requirements for Admission

Possess a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Completed 24 or more semester hours of college-level credit.

What is the Missouri University of Science and Technology known for? ›

Known primarily for its engineering school, Missouri S&T offers degree programs in business and management systems, information science and technology, sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts.

Is Missouri S&T expensive? ›

Missouri University of Science and Technology's tuition is $14,462 for in-state and $31,862 for out-of-state students.

Is Missouri S and T hard to get into? ›

Missouri S&T admissions is somewhat selective with an acceptance rate of 81%.

What is Missouri S&T ranked in the US? ›

Missouri University of Science and Technology's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, #185. Its in-state tuition and fees are $14,462; out-of-state tuition and fees are $31,862.

Is Missouri S&T a four year college? ›

Missouri University of Science and Technology is a medium, 4-year, public school. This coed college is located in a large town in a rural setting and is primarily a residential campus. It offers certificate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.

Why should I choose the Missouri University of Science and Technology? ›

Missouri S&T is consistently ranked among the nation's best public universities when it comes to return on investment and career opportunities. The campus community has an entrepreneurial spirit and an innovation-oriented culture that makes any student successful in any career.

What is the acceptance rate for Missouri University of Science and Technology Engineering? ›

Missouri University of Science and Technology has an acceptance rate of 81%.

What is Missouri University of Science and Technology ranked by Forbes? ›

#196 Missouri University of Science and Technology.

What is the lowest GPA to get into Mizzou? ›

Present a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a U.S. 4.0 scale, including all subjects taken from the Mizzou Academy curriculum and other curricula.

Is Missouri S&T a conservative school? ›

Topping our list, Missouri S&T is a public research university located in the small town of Rolla, MO. It is the 19th most conservative college on Niche's list.

Is Missouri University of Science and Technology a good engineering school? ›

Missouri University of Science & Technology--Rolla is ranked No. 83 (tie) out of 199 in Best Engineering Schools. Schools were assessed on their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence.

What is the gender ratio at Missouri S&T? ›

Missouri University of Science and Technology has a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,501 (fall 2022), with a gender distribution of 77% male students and 23% female students.

Is Missouri S&T a fun school? ›

I've toured a handful of MIssouri schools and S&T is a hidden gem. Even now, it's continuing to expand and be renovated. I have had no shortage of events or student groups to join either. Social life at this school is great if you actually try to put yourself out there.

Why choose Missouri S&T? ›

Missouri S&T is consistently ranked among the nation's best public universities when it comes to return on investment and career opportunities. The campus community has an entrepreneurial spirit and an innovation-oriented culture that makes any student successful in any career.

What is State Technical College of Missouri known for? ›

State Technical College of Missouri is Missouri's only public two-year college with a statewide mission specializing in technical education.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

Phone: +494124489301

Job: Marketing Representative

Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.