Yugioh EQG: Cyberse Tournament (2024)

The Cyberse Tournament's second round was underway and already, two Duels were underway and becoming quite heated.

In another battlefield, Fizzlepop Berrytwist had located her next opponent. Flash Sentry stood atop a large stone platform, surrounded by a tube-like cavern that was blowing wind into it with a high pitched whistle.

Flash watched, as Fizzlepop began to climb up the side of the rock. The many bumps and spikes sticking out the side, was allowing her to pull herself up so long as she was careful. And unfortunately, she wasn't and almost slipped. "WOW!"

"You okay?" He called down, as Fizzlepop managed to hold onto the rocks and continue to climb up.

"I'm fine," she assured him.

"Well if you need any help."

"I'm good." She pulled herself higher and higher, moaning as she lifted herself towards the top. And after a minute of climbing, she finally managed to get there with Flash stepping back to not get in her way.

Using all her strength, she placed a foot as high as it would go and hoisted herself upwards before curling herself around the top and rolling onto it. As she panted, Flash smirked. "Not bad. Knew you had it in you." Fizzlepop pushed herself up, as Flash kept talking. "You had a harder time than I did. I went flying out a higher hole and landed at the top. I was about to climb down and leave, but you suddenly showed up."

"Guess I have good timing," Fizzlepop announced. "So, it's you and me." Flash nodded, as Sonata began to speak to the audience.

Sonata: "Flash Sentry verses Fizzlepop Berrytwist. This is bound to be a match for the ages. The last time these two Duelled in a tournament, it was in the finals of the Double X. Flash managed to come out on top there, but will Fizzlepop be able to claim victory this day?"

The two suddenly found the walls of cards appearing, both quickly beginning to pick ones to make their deck. They had to be careful what they picked. One wrong card could throw off the entire balance of their decks. They had to pick ones that could be used together. But what decks would they build?

In the jungle field, Gallus and Smolder's Duel continued.

Despite Gallus' attempts to get one over on Smolder, the girl kept managing to one up him with her large variety of cards. Now Smolder not only had more Life Points, but she also had a rather powerful Fusion Monster. One Gallus would need to find a way to beat, if he wanted any hope of defeating her.

Adagio: "Smolder might have more Life Points and the stronger monster, but Gallus has shown he's able to do a lot with very little. Will he be able to pull off another one turn upset?"

"Here goes." Gallus stated as his deck shuffled a card to the top. He then drew that card and smiled before sending it to the GY. "I'm discarding Gold Paladin, Shuffle Caster!" A wizard with a card necklace hanging around his neck, appeared before raising his wooden staff. "By discarding him, I can shuffle my hand back into my deck and draw the same number of cards.

Adagio: "That will give him an entirely new hand. Could he be looking for something?"

Gallus placed his cards to the top of his deck before it shuffled. "Come on." He waited and eventually, the shuffling stopped and he drew his cards. He looked them over and smiled. "Got it!"

"Got what?"

"My Blacksmith Spell card," Gallus played it. "This card lets me add any Equip Spell to my hand, either from the deck or my graveyard." A card slotted out and he quickly took and activated it. "Go, Gold Paladin's Shining Spear!" Frint raised his own spear, as the weapon glowed and transformed.

When the light faded, it revealed a longer spear with a golden tip and axe-blades on the side. It also had a long piece of golden ribbon, tied around it and flowing in the wind.

"Cool weapon," Trixie stated. "But what the heck can it do?"

"Nothing all that special," Ocellus stated. "It raises the wielder's ATK power by seven hundred points." The others frowned, since that wouldn't be enough to stop Sand Dragon Brawler. "But there's another effect it has. It lets Frint evolve."

"Evolve?" Applebloom asked, as Gallus spoke up.

"Now," he cried, "I tribute Youth Knight Frint!" The young knight raised the spear, as it unleashed a powerful light.

Smolder flinched at the bright light, as Frint's body began to change. His armor morphed into a bulkier set, similar to his Fusion form's armor, and he appeared to be growing taller. "What's happening?"

"Since Frint was equipped with the Shining Spear, I can sacrifice him and summon an entirely new monster. Say hello to Gold Paladin Spear Commander, Frint!" The light faded and revealed the older looking Frint, carrying the same spear as before. He also had a flowing golden cape, showing off his regal form. (A1800/D1600/L6)

Adagio: "All that flash for a monster that's not even a thousand points stronger? What could Gallus be hoping to do with it?"

"I activate Frint's special ability," Gallus announced. The blades on the end of Frint's spear began to glow. "By paying five hundred life points, I can destroy any Spell or Trap on your side of the field!"

Gallus: 1450
Smolder: 2200

Frint thrust the spear forward and a beam of light exploded out of it and hit Smolder's face down, destroying it. "No!" She cried, as the light from the blast also flowed into Frint.

"He's got another ability as well. Whenever a card's destroyed by a card effect, he gains an extra five hundred ATK points." (A2300/D1600/L6) "And now I'll pay another five hundred Life Points, to destroy your other face down

Gallus: 950
Smolder: 2200

"What?" Smolder cried, as Frint unleashed another laser. It struck her other face down and destroyed it, whilst Frint once again powered up. (A2800/D1600/L6)

"Next, I summon my Wing Dagger Valkyrie!" In a flash of light, the battlefield angel suddenly appeared spinning daggers in her hands. (A1300/D1300/L4)

"Not good," Smolder gulped.

"Really not good!" Gallus cried. "Go, Spear Commander Frint. Destroy Sand Dragon Brawler!" The knight charged forward, spinning his spear around at an incredible speed. Smolder could do nothing but watch, as the knight swung the axe blade of his spear around and sliced her Fusion Monster in half.

"Augh!" She cried, as Sand Dragon Brawler exploded. She staggered back, her field now empty of monsters to defend her.

Gallus: 950
Smolder: 1900

"Now, Wing Dagger, cut her down to size!" The valkyrie spun her daggers around before throwing them, the projectile weapons flying through the air and stabbing Smolder in the chest.

"Gyah!" She cried, falling to her knees as she clutched her chest.

Gallus: 950
Smolder: 600

Adagio: "Amazing. Gallus was able to completely turn the tide of the battle once again. With a single turn, he left Smolder with nothing to defend herself with. No monsters on the field. No Spells or Traps. Not even a card in her hand. She's in trouble now."

"I place a card face down and end my turn." Gallus looked over at Smolder, as the girl pushed herself back up. 'Can't let myself get overconfident. Smolder's been in some pretty tough spots before. If there's a way out of this, she'll find it.'

In another battlefield, a cityscape full of Zombie Monsters, Spike and Fluttershy's Duel continued.

Atop one of the roofs, the pair Duelled it out and Spike suddenly found himself in a very precarious position. Fluttershy had transformed the city into a large meadow and waterfall, which was powering up her monsters and allowing her to add new Sacred Guardian Beasts to her hand.

But the biggest issue, was the Trap she had played against him. Cursed Bind.

Thanks to that Trap, Spike's deck had practically been crippled. Any Synchro Monster he summoned, would be instantly destroyed before he could even attempt to use it. Unless he could find a way to get rid of that card, his Synchro Monsters were useless to him.

Fluttershy sighed, seeing the worried expression on Spike's face. "I'm sorry, Spike. I know that must have been hard, but I told myself I wasn't going to let myself go easy on any opponent."

"I get it," Spike nodded. "I guess I am a little predictable when it comes to my Synchros." He looked through the cards he had left, then at Fluttershy's field. If he couldn't find a way to stop her, he was gonna be in serious trouble. "I place two cards face down and end my turn."

Aria: "Without his Synchro Monsters, Spike's in a seriously sticky situation. He's gonna need to come up with something if he wants to survive."

"It's my turn," Fluttershy reached for her deck. "I draw." She then pointed at Spike. "Kindness Pegasus. Attack Spike directly!" The horse flew towards Spike. But before it could get close, Spike smirked and activated one of his face downs.

"Trap Summon!" His card unleashed a blast of fire, which took shape before fading to reveal a large dragon. Said dragon's body was covered in metal scales and its wings looked more like shields on the end of two long tendrils. "Mega-Hide Dragon, Shieldranoid!" (A100/D2500/L4) The dragon stood protectively, as Kindness Pegasus pulled itself to a stop.

Fluttershy frowned, as her monster pulled back. But Kindness Dragon was already breathing in. "Go, Silent Roar!" The beast did just that and let out a blast of wind. But Spike wasn't gonna let that happen.

"I activate my Quick-Play Spell!" His face down flipped up, "Dragonfire Shotgun!" Shieldranoid's mouth filled with a bunch of fire, which it then shot towards the Pendulum Dragon monster. "This card lowers the ATK of any monster by five hundred, for every Dragon on my field." The fireball struck the dragon, making her cry out as he power diminished. (A2100/D1900/L7/P5)

The air blast struck the shield wings and bounced off them, the shields glowing as they did, with Fluttershy being slammed by the rebounded air shot. "Augh!"

Spike: 3000
Fluttershy: 1900

The light coming off the wings then flew off the monster and into Spike. "Shieldranoid has his own ability. Whenever he's attacked, I get a Life Points boost equal to your monster's Level."

Spike: 3700
Fluttershy: 1900

Aria: "Wow. Despite losing his best cards, Spike was able to protect himself from Fluttershy's onslaught. Fluttershy won't be able to attack with her other monster. So she'll only have one thing to do."

"I place a card face down and end my turn." Kindness Dragonoid stood tall again, as the effects of Dragonfire Shotgun faded. (A2900/D1900/L7/P5)

Back in the wind tunnel, Flash and Fizzlepop continued to build their decks.

Flash remembered back during the Double X, when Fizzlepop had wielded the dangerous Dominator Monsters. Those cards had been horrible to Duel against, especially when they turned his monsters into stone statues. But Flash had still managed to find a way to finally defeat them.

But now, Flash was facing an entirely new Fizzlepop. Instead of the Dominators, she had her purified Liberator monsters. And they were just as dangerous as her old cards. 'I got this,' he told himself. 'She might have a new deck, but this is no different from all the other times you've faced an unknown deck. I can do this.' As he said that, he selected his final card and his Duel Disk appeared. Fizzlepop soon followed.

Sonata: "Now that their decks are built, it's time for them to select a monster to become their Deck Master. What will it be?"

They took out their decks and flicked through them until Fizzlepop found one. "Tempest Unicorn Liberator!" In a burst of lightning, the armored unicorn appeared beside her.

Flash found his own chosen monster. "Shining Fang, Magna Wolf!" A flash of light had the white armored wolf appear, the hound moving beside Flash as the Duelist scratched him behind the ear. Both Duelists then replaced their decks, as their Duel Disks activated and set their Life Points.

Sonata: "Fizzlepop is using the same Deck Master she used against Trixie, whilst Flash has chosen to use a different one. How will this affect the outcome of the Duel? There's only one way to find out."


Flash: 4000
Fizzlepop: 4000

"I'll take the first move!" Flash drew his card and smiled. "And I'll start by setting the Pendulum Scale, with Scale two Crystal Tusk, Magna Boar, and scale nine, Nightlight Magna Sheep!" The pillars of light appeared on either side of him, as the monsters in question flew up into them.

Fizzlepop watched, as the pink humanoid pig with crystal tusks and a humanoid lamp in light-bulb covered armor appeared. Once they were high enough, the portal began to form above Flash's head.

"Cut through space time and carve the arc of victory!" The portal was completed and began to open, as Flash yelled out. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" A pair of lights flew out and struck the ground, exploding to allow the two monsters to appear.

"Starbreak Dragon!" (A1500/D1200/L4)

"And Volt Edge Dragon!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P5) The two dragons stood side by side, as Flash pointed towards his Pendulum Monster. "Now, I activate the Pendulum Ability of Magna Sheep!" The light on the lamb glowed before a beam flew off of her, hitting the spot behind the two monsters. "Now I can fuse my two monsters together!" Starbreak and Volt Edge were sucked inside the portal, as Flash started chanting. "A tempest, raging through the vest cosmos. Its power will now take physical form!" The portal exploded, unleashing a wave of light. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light faded to reveal a black four legged dragon. Its face had a star-shaped mask, covering its face with a lightning bolt horn sticking out the middle of it. The same star-shapes were covering its four feet and its back had a pair of lightning bolt shaped wings sticking out of it. Its body was covered in small yellow dots, creating constellations on it. And as it roared, lightning sparked around it. "Galaxy Storm Dragon!" (A2300/D2200/L7)

Sonata: "Wow wee. It's only Flash's first turn and he's already Fusion Summoned. Will this give him the edge, or has he used too much too soon? Let's find out."

"I place a card face down and end my turn."

"My turn!" Fizzlepop reached for her deck and drew her card. She looked through her cards and frowned before summoning one. "Storm Guard Liberator, Glaive! DEF Mode!" A blast of thunder revealed the bladed staff carrying ape creature. (A1900/D1200/L4/P3) "I place three cards face down and end my turn."

"Seriously?" Trixie asked. "That's the best she can do? Come on. You beat me! You can beat Flash without any problem!"

"Would you relax," Sunset told her. "She doesn't need some big flashy move to beat Flash. There are lots of ways she can get rid of Galaxy Storm Dragon, without needing to waste her best cards."

"She's right," Ocellus nodded. "I bet those three face downs have a lot of power to them."

"She just needs to use them," Sandbar agreed. They focused back on the Duel, as Flash began his turn.

"My draw!" As he did, Galaxy Storm Dragon roared. "Since it's my standby phase, Galaxy Storm gets a Spark Counter." One of the stars on its body glowed.

"What does that do?" Fizzlepop asked.

"You'll see," Flash then played a card. "I activate my Reasoning Spell Card. Now, you have to state a Level and I draw until I get a monster."

Fizzlepop nodded. "And if the monster is the same Level I picked, it goes to the grave. If not, it's summoned." She couldn't risk him summoning a strong monster. "I activate the Deck Master Ability of my Tempest Unicorn!" She discarded a card. "With this, I can negate the activation of your card and destroy it!" The horn's broken horn sparked before it unleashed a blast of lightning, hitting Flash's Spell and destroying it.

Sonata: "Fizzlepop isn't letting Flash get the slightest advantage. But now she can't use that ability for the rest of the turn. I hope she wasn't too hasty."

Flash smirked at Fizzlepop. "I activate the effect of my Galaxy Storm Dragon!" The star on the dragon stopped glowing and the horn on its head began to spark. "By removing a Spark Counter, his ability activates." The horn unleashed a bolt of lightning, which struck Glaive and forced it to stand up. "Now I can change any monster's battle position."

"Not good," Fizzlepop gulped.

"That's not all," Flash smiled. "Whenever a card changes its battle position, this card gains three hundred points. (A2600/D2200/L7) "Now, Galaxy Storm, attack Storm Guard Glaive!"

Fizzlepop watched as Galaxy Storm Dragon flew into the air, lightning surging around it as it flew down towards her monster. "I activate my Trap!" Her face down flipped up. "Storm Guard Resolve!" Glaive braced itself, as Galaxy Storm Dragon slashed at it. "This card lets my monster survive a single attack this turn."

"Maybe, but your Life Points will still take a hit!" Lightning surged into Glaive and flew off it, hitting Fizzlepop and making her scream in pain.

Flash: 4000
Fizzlepop: 3300

Flash smirked, as he watched Fizzlepop fell to one knee. "I end my turn." Galaxy Storm Dragon's ATK reverted back to normal. (A2300/D2200/L7)

Fizzlepop panted, feeling rather winded after that hit. But she wasn't going to let Flash get the better of her. "My Duel's only just beginning." She pushed herself to her feet, as Flash smirked.

In another battlefield, Scootaloo continued to search for her opponent.

The city of energy was seriously starting to get annoying now, as at random points a building would suddenly start glowing brighter and she couldn't see a thing. "Gyah!" She cried, turning away from the building. "What is the point of that?" The light faded and as she opened her eyes, she realised she could barely see. "I'm a computer generated avatar. How did I just get blinded?"

She staggered along, as her sigh slowly returned to its normal state.

After a while, she came to the end of her street and was able to finally see again. As she walked away from the glowing buildings, she tried to cross a road. But as she did, a green burst of light flew past and she was almost run over. "WOW!" She staggered around, as the light flew past and raced over to the highway.

She picked herself up and ran over to the sidewalk, not wanting to risk another hit and run attempt. She groaned at this and just wished she could find her opponent.

In the control room, Twilight watched her sister-in-law's struggles and sighed.

"I think she's suffered enough. Send her the board." Those controlling the Cyberse realm nodded and typed away at the computer. As they did, something appeared on the screen. Some kind of surfboard-like object, only the back half had been cut off.

The device spun around several times and as it did, the virtual frame gained a physical forms and turned orange.

Back with Scootaloo, a new sound suddenly filled the air.

Looking around, she saw something flying towards her. The board. "What the?" She watched it get closer and closer, which made he a little worried. But then, the board suddenly came to a stop right in front of her.

She staggered back, as the board floated in front of her. As she stared at it, she slowly started putting the pieces together. "Oh. Oh yeah. I can so work with this." She stepped back before rushing forward and leaping onto the board. This caused it to float down for a moment before floating back up, Scootaloo smirking as a helmet also appeared around her head.

She looked ahead and to her delight, the board started moving in the direction she was looking. The energy pulses flying along the road, no longer bothered her. She shot forwards at high speed and when she wanted to turn, she only had to lean over and the board shifted around.

"YEAH!" She cheered, as the people at home watched her.

More and more, they found themselves wanting to check out the Cyberse. It had a ton of fun things to do. And not just Duelling, it seemed.

Scootaloo flew up the side of a building and as she flew off the edge, she did several flips and cheered as she swung the board around.

Back with Gallus and Smolder, the two Duelists both had less than a thousand Life Points. But Gallus had the superior field advantage.

Smolder looked down at her deck, trying to think of all the cards she had that could save her. The only problem was, most of them required her to have another card to use with it. She hardly had anything that could do the job on her own. But she did have something.

"Come on," Smolder reached for her deck. "Give me something good." She drew her card. It wasn't what she had hoped, but it was a start. "I play Graceful Charity." She drew three cards, looking them over and smiling as an idea arose. "Nice. I'll ditch these two." She did so and as soon as she did, a light exploded out of her Duel Disk.

"Now what?" Gallus asked.

"I'm banishing my Balance Dragon!" Smolder cheered. "Whenever he's sent to the grave, his ability activates. Since you have more cards than me, I can banish him and draw the difference between us. So with three more cards on your field, that's three cards for me." She reached for her deck, "don't let me down, deck." She drew three cards and when she saw one of them, she smiled.

Adagio: "From the look on her face, I'm guessing Smolder got the card she was looking for. But what could she have been after? What could possibly save her from the situation she finds herself in?"

"I activate, the Spell card, Dragon Soul Fusion!" A portal opened at Smolder's feet before Air Dragon Brawler, Sea Dragon Brawler and Spark Dragon Brawler flew out of it. "With this, I can banish any number of Dragon-type monster from my field or grave and fuse them together!"

Adagio: "A triple fusion? That's bound to create something big."

A portal opened up and the three monsters exploded, their energy particles being absorbed into the vortex. As they were, Smolder began to chant. "Water...wind...lightning. Three great forces of nature, that will now come together and create a monster with the power of a raging tempest!" The portal exploded, unleashing a brilliant light that blinded Gallus and his monsters. "I FUSION SUMMON!"

The light began to fade and when it did, it revealed Smolder's new Fusion Monster. It was a Dragon Brawler, taller than any of the others. He was dressed in dragon themed armor, with his chest being yellow, his arms being blue and his legs being green. A pair of dragon wings were sticking out of his back, being white in colour with the membrane shifting from blue, to yellow and then green.

Wind exploded out of the monster's leg armor, swirling around it whilst a blast of water flew out of his arm and shoulder armor. His chest armor sparked, charging the water and wind that was now surrounding him. With a mighty roar, a powerful gale exploded off of him. "STORM DRAGON BRAWLER!" (A3000/D2500/L8)

Gallus gulped at this, knowing he was in serious trouble. "I activate my Trap!" His face down flipped up, "Paladin's Light of Reinforcement." Wing Dagger Valkyrie exploded into a light, which swirled around Frint. "By sacrificing one Gold Paladin on my field, Light of Reinforcement lets me add its ATK points to another Gold Paladin on my field. (A4100/D1600/L6)

Smolder smirked, "not bad. But you're forgetting my Storm Dragon Brawler's skill." The ghostly images of Sea, Air and Spark Dragon Brawler appeared around Smolder's Storm Dragon Brawler.

"I didn't forget," Gallus smirked. "During the Battle Phase, Storm Dragon Brawler gains three hundred ATK for every Dragon Brawler that's banished. And with only three monsters, you're monster's only gonna get a nine hundred point power up. That's not enough to stop Frint."

"True, but that's not the skill I was talking about. I meant his other skill."

"Other skill?" Gallus asked, only for his eyes to go wide. "Oh no!"

"I activate the ability to Storm Dragon Brawler!" In a flash of light, a portal opened up before five monsters flew out of it. Rock Dragon Brawler, Flame Dragon Brawler, Dark Dragon Brawler, Boil Dragon Brawler and Sand Dragon Brawler, floated up. "By banishing any number of Dragon-type monsters in my graveyard, I can take a look at the same number of cards off the top of your deck."

"And send any monsters to the graveyard," Gallus frowned. He watched, as the Dragon Brawlers all exploded into dust. At the same time, five cards flew off the top of Gallus' deck and revealed themselves. Amongst them were three monsters, a Spell and a Trap. The monster cards exploded, whilst the other two cards returned to Gallus' deck before it shuffled.

"Getting rid of those monsters was great, but the real focus on that card was to banish my five Dragon Brawlers. That makes eight removed from play."

"No way," Gallus realised what that meant.

Storm Dragon Brawler roared, as the five Dragon Brawler's Spirits joined the other three. In doing so, his power increased by an insane amount. (A5400/D2500/L8)

Adagio: "WOW! That's the second strongest monster we've seen in this Duel. And with that much power, I don't see how Gallus can get out of this one."

"Sorry Gallus," Smolder told him. "Hate to do this, but someone's gotta win this Duel." She pointed at Spear Commander. "Storm Dragon Brawler. Punch his lights out and end this Duel!"

Gallus watched, as Storm Brawler flew up and summoned a bunch of water around his fist. Lightning then surged into the water before a sphere of wind wrapped around it, creating a deadly attack that would cut, soak and zap the opponent.

He dived down and pulled his fist back, as Gallus let out a sigh. "Nice work, Smolder. This was fun." With that, Storm Dragon Brawler slammed his fist into Frint and caused him to explode, knocking Gallus flying back with a cry.

Gallus: 0
Smolder: 600 (Winner)

As Gallus slammed into the ground, Smolder breathed a sigh of relief as the cards and Duel Disk all began to vanish.

Adagio: "There you have it, folks. Smolder has claimed victory over Gallus and will be moving on to the next round. Gallus did well, but Smolder clearly wanted this victory more. But let's give our loser a big round of applause, to let him know just how well he did."

Smolder stepped over to Gallus, who pushed himself up and let out a sigh as he scratched the back of his head. "I guess you beat me."

"Yeah," Smolder nodded, "wasn't easy. that was one heck of a tough Duel." She held out a hand and Gallus took it, allowing Smolder to pull him up. "That was a lot of fun."

"Yeah, it was." Gallus let out a groan. "I wanted to keep going. This tournament's way too fun."

"Tell me about it. But hey, it's not like we'll never get to do something like this again. When Cyberse is released, we can come back with all our friends. Then we can do everything in here that'd be a blast."

Gallus nodded. "You're right." He held out his fist. "You'd better win this tournament. Don't go losing, now that you managed to beat me." Smolder smiled and the two bumped fists, as Gallus' body began to digitise. "Good luck." With that, he vanished and Smolder watched the bits of data fly into the air.

As she watched him go, a portal opened up to her left. She nodded and headed through it, off to find her next opponent.

"Aw, man," Sandbar sighed. "I didn't really want either of them to lose, but seeing Gallus go down kind of hurts."

As he said that, a bright flash of light appeared and Gallus emerged from it. The Duelist looked around and saw where he was, which made him scratch his head. "Is this..."

"The loser's hang out," Sunset explained. "Don't worry, we all had that reaction." Silverstream patted the chair next to her and Gallus moved over to sit down, as they turned back to the screens.

"So, who's Dueling right now?"

"Spike verses Fluttershy. Flash verses Fizzlepop." Silverstream handed him some popcorn. "Both look like they could go either way. This is awesome!" Gallus nodded and started chowing down, as he focused on Spike and Fluttershy's Duel.

Back in the Sanctuary Field Spell, Spike looked down at his hand and frowned.

He only had one monster and it was too high Level for his Pendulum Summon. He had to find another way to summon it, but he would need more than just one good card to do that.

"Let's go!" He reached for his deck and drew his card. When he saw what it was, he smirked and played it. "Go, Graceful Charity!" Spike drew three cards and quickly discarded two, a smile on his lips as he saw what he had drawn. "Come forth, Assault Wyvern!" In a flash of light, the large blue dragon appeared and let out a roar as it flew around. (A1800/D1000/L4)

Fluttershy frowned. That monster was strong, but its Special Ability was the really dangerous part.

"Assault Wyvern, Attack Kindness Pegasus!" The dragon flew up before diving towards the horse, spinning around as he did before slashing Kindness Pegasus straight up.

As the horse exploded, Fluttershy flinched as she staggered back.

Spike: 3700
Fluttershy: 1400

"Now I activate the effect of Assault Wyvern!" The dragon flew up, glowing as it did so. "By Tributing him, I can summon any dragon in my hand or in my graveyard!" The dragon suddenly exploded and the fireball came crashing down on the field.

Fluttershy cried out, as the impact created a powerful gust of wind that pushed her backwards. As it did, the smoke and dust began to fade away and reveal a giant black metal safe of some kind. "What?" Fluttershy asked, the others looking just as confused.

Slowly, the safe's many chains and locks began to fall away. As they did, Spike began to chant. "Raging dragon, of blackened steel. Shatter the lock enclosing the bonds of the mortal plane!" Parts of the safe began to fall apart, as everyone realised what it truly was. A prison. "And bring forth destruction to my enemies!"

The prison's metal exploded, allowing a giant black monster to appear from out of it. Whatever it was, it was covered in a bunch of lights that were glowing brightly. And the brightest of them all was in its chest.

"Come forth, Gandora-X! THE DRAGON OF DEMOLITION!" The dragon's lights died down, as it let out a mighty roar that shook the battlefield. (A0/D0/L8)

Aria: "Wow! Talk about a powerful looking beast. But how can it help if it doesn't have any ATK or DEF points?"

"Now, for Gandora-X's special ability!" The lights on the dragon's body began to light up before lasers exploded out of them, which flew across the battlefield. These lasers cut the place up, destroying anything it touched. Rocks, part of the waterfall, trees and all of the monsters.

Fluttershy gasped, as Looming Serpent, Kindness Dragonoid and even Spike's Trap Monster were all destroyed. The monster was certainly living up to its name and causing utter demolition and destruction. "No way."

"Yes way!" Spike cheered. "That's not all. Gandora-X's ability now kicks in and you take damage equal to the ATK of your strongest monster. That means you're gonna be taking twenty six hundred points of damage, which should be just enough to wipe you out!" Gandora-X's lasers began to move towards her, with Fluttershy flinching as the lasers slammed into her.

"Augh!" She screamed, Spike cheering at this.

However, as the smoke began to clear, Fluttershy was standing there looking rather roughed up. But she was still standing and Spike realised that could only mean one thing, making him check his Duel Disk.

Spike: 3700
Fluttershy: 100

"What? How?" But then he heard Winged Kuriboh letting out a cry, as it floated beside Fluttershy. "Your Deck Master!"

"Yup," Fluttershy nodded. "Once per turn, I can cut any Effect Damage in half. And that lets me survive your attack."

"Maybe," Spike frowned. "But Gandora-X's skill still kicks in and powers him up. His ATK now becomes the damage you just took." The dragon roared as its power rose. (A1300/D0/L8) "And that means I can take you out here and now!" His monster began to power up its lasers again, but Fluttershy wasn't worried.

"I activate my face down!" The card flipped up, "Flute of Summoning Kuriboh!" A card slotted out of her deck, which she took before sending to the graveyard. "This Spell lets me add Kuriboh to my hand. And in doing so, I can send him to the grave in order to protect myself from any Battle Damage."

Spike watched, as the tiny fuzzball appeared and charged towards Gandora-X. The dragon unleashed a laser and struck the monster, destroying it but leaving Fluttershy safe. "Since I'm ending my turn, Gandora-X's ability cuts my Life Points in half."

Spike: 1850
Fluttershy: 100

Aria: "Spike looked like he had the winning formula there, but Fluttershy was able to outfox him. Even though he has more Life Points, Fluttershy has more options coming up. Is this where it ends?"

Over in the wind tunnel Duel Field, Flash and Fizzlepop's Duel Continued with Fizzlepop's turn coming around.

Fizzlepop drew her card and nodded as she summoned something. "Storm Guard Liberator, Spear, In ATK mode!" In a blast of lightning, the spear wielding ape monster appeared spinning its spear. (A1800/D800/L4) "Now, I activate the effect of Storm Guard's Resolve!"

Sonata: "Nice move. By banishing that card from her grave, she can double the ATK of a Storm Guard for this turn."

The portal opened up and a card flew out before disintegrating, as Storm Guard Glaive roared and his power went up. (A3800/D1200/L4/P5)

"That's not good," Flash gulped. Glaive then rushed forward and spun its weapon around before slashing at Galaxy Storm, destroying it with Flash crying out.

Flash: 2500
Fizzlepop: 3300

Before Fizzlepop could declare another attack, Flash stood tall and yelled out. "I activate my Galaxy Storm's final ability. By banishing him from the grave, I can change one monster's battle position." A portal appeared and Galaxy Storm flew out of it, but Tempest was quicker.

"I activate Tempest Unicorn's Deck Master Ability!" She discarded her last card and the horse fired a bolt of lightning, which struck Galaxy Storm and caused it to explode. "Too bad. Storm Guard Spear, attack Flash directly!" Spear leapt forward and looked ready to stab him through the chest.

Sonata: "If this attack lands, Flash will have less than a thousand Life Points left. Things aren't looking good for him."

Flash smirked, "Trap Card, OPEN!" His face down flipped up, "Beacon of Hope!" Flash reached for his deck. "Come on. Give me something good!" He drew and smiled. "Oh yeah. Magna Caster, Attriborn!" In a flash of light, a multi-colour robe wearing wizard appeared, carrying a staff with a spinning wheel that had all six attributes emblazoned on it. (A1000/D1000/L3/P8) He took a defensive stance and moments later, spear stabbed him and he exploded.

Sonata: "Talk about a close call. Flash was almost in trouble there."

Fizzlepop smirked and called an end to her turn. As she did, Glaive's ATK points returned to their normal value. (A1900/D1200/L4/P3)

"My turn!" Flash drew his card and smiled, as the portal began to form. "I PENDULUM SUMMON!" The portal opened and two lights flew out of it, hitting the ground and exploding to reveal his monsters. "Spark up, Volt Edge Dragon!" (A1500/D1200/L4/P5)

"Let the elements glow, Magna Caster Attriborn!" (A1000/D1000/L3/P8) "Next, I play Starburst Reload!" A portal opened at Flash's feet and from out of it, Starbreak Dragon appeared before disintegrating. "Now I can draw cards, equal to his level." He drew four and as he did, Magna Wolf began to glow. "My Deck Master's Ability now activates. Since a monster was banished, I can grant three hundred ATK points to any monster I choose."

Fizzlepop watched, as Volt Edge Dragon powered up. (A1800/D1200/L4/P5)

"There's more. Since Magna Tusk is in my Pendulum Zone, all Pendulum Monsters on my field get an extra five hundred points. (A2300/D1200/L4/P5) (A1500/D1000/L3/P8) "Now, I activate Attriborn's skill." He held up a card and turned it around to reveal Space-Warp Dragon. "By discarding a card, I activate an ability depending on that card's Attribute."

Fizzlepop frowned. "Space-Warp is Light Attributed. So what does that do?"

"By discarding a Light or Dark Monster, I can weaken one of your monsters by five hundred points." Attriborn's dial staff spun until the light symbol was at the top, causing it to fire a beam of light that hit Spear and made it roar. (A1300/D800/L4)

Sonata: "Just like that, Flash's monsters are stronger then Fizzlepop's."

"I activate my face down!" Fizzlepop announced, as a card flipped up. "Storm Guard Resurgence."

Flash smirked, as he pointed forward. "Volt Edge Dragon, Attack Storm Guard Glaive!" The dragon rushed forwards, its body exploding with energy as it charged. "And whenever Volt Edge attacks an opposing monster, he gains six hundred ATK points!" (A2900/D1200/L4/P8) Volt Edge reached Glaive and spun around, slashing his claw right through the armored ape and destroying it.

Flash: 2500
Fizzlepop: 2300

"Resurgence's effect now kicks in!" Fizzlepop announced. "Since a Storm Guard monster was destroyed, I get a Spell back from the graveyard!" Said card appeared in front of her, Fizzlepop adding it to her hand.

"Attriborn," Flash called out, "attack Spear!" The Magna Caster did just that, a beam of light shooting out of its staff and slamming into the other Liberator monster. Another explosion followed and Fizzlepop staggered back.

Flash: 2500
Fizzlepop: 2100

As Fizzlepop regained her balance, Flash held a card up. "Now, I tribute Volt Edge Dragon and Attriborn!" The two monsters glowed before bursting into light, which flew into Flash's card. "And with it, I summon Star Fang Magna Tiger!" He slapped the card down on the ground and in a burst of light, the robotic humanoid tiger appeared with its star gauntlet glowing. (A2400/D2100/L7)

Sonata: "Wow. Flash could have summoned that earlier, but he chose to use his other monsters to get rid of Fizzlepop's. Now that's thinking ahead."

"I place two cards face down and end my turn." Flash turned his attention to Fizzlepop, who he knew was going to pull a big turn around out of her hat. He had to be careful. One wrong move and he would lose this Duel. "What have you got? Bring it."

Back in the city of lights, Scootaloo was boarding through the city.

She cheered, as she ground down the side of a building with a vertical side. And when she reached the edge of that side, she leapt off and did several fun flips and tricks. "YEAH!" She spun through the air and landed part of the highway, which she shot along without much issue.

But as she flew through the air, she spotted movement atop a nearby building. "Was that..." She swerved around and flew off the edge of the highway, shooting over a couple of buildings before landing on a roof. She then picked up a bunch of speed and propelled herself towards the building.

She leaned back and the board reached the building, allowing her to fly up until she reached the very top.

When she did, she flipped backwards off the board and landed. And there, she found the one that she was to Duel. "Hey," she stopped tall, "Yona, right?"

The bulky girl nodded, as she stared Scootaloo down. "You sister of Sentry. Yona know that make you strong Duelist."

"Thanks. But being his sister has nothing to do with my skills." The board floated down to here. "I got my skills by training hard and working to be the best. And that's what's gonna take me all the way to the finals."

"Yona doubt that. Yona make it to finals."

"Oh yeah," Scootaloo smirked as she held up the board. "Wanna prove it?" Yona raised an eyebrow. "Twilight. Why not give Yona a board. Then we can have some real fun." A few moments later, a brown version of Scootaloo's board appeared. "Oh yeah. This is gonna be fun."

"What Scootaloo want?"

"Simple." Yona pointed behind herself. "We Duel whilst racing along the highway. That'll not only test our Duel skills, but our reflexes too. The best of both goes on to the next round."

Yona looked at the board, clearly unsure what to do. But then, she nodded. "Okay. Yona do it." Scootaloo smiled at this, as the wall of cards appeared in front of them." They quickly began to build their decks, as Adagio spoke to those watching.

Adagio: "The final two have found their opponents and it looks like, they're going to be testing out a new way to Duel. Using these specially made hoverboards, they're going to do what I can only call Turbo Dueling without the need for a licence. Speaking of Turbo Dueling, I'm sure that'll start getting popular again once The Cyberse has been released worldwide."

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom both watched, excited and hopeful their friend would be able to keep going.

Ocellus, Silverstream, Sandbar and Gallus were also hoping Yona would be able to win this, but they knew Scootaloo would be a tough opponent to beat. "They both use Xyz Monsters," Ocellus pointed out. "So their strategies are probably gonna be similar."

"I don't know," Wallflower said. "From what I saw, Yona's more about power whilst Scootaloo prefers to use a swarming technique. Either could work against one another, so I guess it all comes down to the cards they manage to get." The others nodded, as the two finished building their decks.

Adagio: "Now that their decks have been selected, it's time for them to select their Deck Masters. Which monster will they choose for the role? This could be the most important decision of the entire game."

Scootaloo found the card she wanted. "Rush Raptor!" In a flash, her Deck Master appeared and let out a tiny roar. As it did, Yona selected her card.

"Berserking Beast!" In a flash of light, the minotaur creature appeared and roared as it slammed its fists into the ground.

Adagio: "Both Duelists have chosen the same Deck Masters they had in the last Duel. Guess they're going with what helped them get there. How will this decision affect the outcome of the game?"

The Duelists slotted their decks back in, as their Duel Disks activated and showed their Life Points. But instead of beginning their Duel, Scootaloo grabbed her board and ran over to the edge of the building. Yona followed suit and the girls both leapt over the side.

Yona screamed, whilst Scootaloo placed her feet on her board and slid down the side. At the same time, Rush Raptor and Berserking Beast flew down beside them.

After a few moments, Yona also did the same and the pair raced down the side of the building. And once they were low enough, they jumped off the side and over a building before landing upon the highway.

Once there, Scootaloo appeared to be in her element whilst Yona had trouble keeping her balance. But eventually, she managed to get the hang of the board and the two turned to each other and drew their cards. Their Deck Masters ran along the highway beside them, as the two spoke in unison.


Yugioh EQG: Cyberse Tournament (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.