What Is A Substitute For Enchilada Sauce? (2024)

Looking for a Substitute for Enchilada Sauce?

Enchilada sauce is a key ingredient in many Mexican dishes, adding a rich and flavorful element to enchiladas, burritos, and other favorites. However, if you find yourself in a pinch without this essential sauce, there are several alternatives that can help you achieve a similar taste and texture. Whether you’re out of enchilada sauce or simply looking for a different flavor profile, here are some great substitutes to consider:

1. Homemade Enchilada Sauce

If you have some basic pantry staples on hand, you can easily whip up a batch of homemade enchilada sauce. All you need is some tomato sauce, chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, and a pinch of salt. Simply mix these ingredients together in a saucepan and simmer for a few minutes until the flavors meld together. This homemade version can be a great substitute for store-bought enchilada sauce and allows you to customize the flavors to your liking.

2. Salsa

Salsa can also be used as a substitute for enchilada sauce, especially if you enjoy a bit of heat and chunky texture in your dishes. Look for a salsa that closely matches the flavor profile of traditional enchilada sauce, such as a red salsa with a medium to hot spice level. You can use the salsa as is or blend it to achieve a smoother consistency before using it in your recipes.

3. Tomato Sauce with Spices

If you’re in a pinch, a simple combination of tomato sauce and spices can stand in for enchilada sauce. Mix together tomato sauce with chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, and a pinch of oregano to create a quick and easy substitute. Adjust the seasonings to your taste preferences, and simmer the mixture for a few minutes to allow the flavors to develop.

4. Mole Sauce

If you’re looking for a richer and more complex flavor, mole sauce can be a great substitute for enchilada sauce. While mole sauce typically contains a wide range of ingredients including chocolate, nuts, and various spices, its deep and savory flavor can complement enchiladas and other Mexican dishes beautifully. Keep in mind that mole sauce may have a different flavor profile than traditional enchilada sauce, so be prepared for a unique twist on your dish.

5. Red Chile Sauce

Red chile sauce, made from dried red chiles, can also serve as a flavorful substitute for enchilada sauce. To make your own red chile sauce, rehydrate dried red chiles in hot water, then blend them with garlic, onion, and other spices to create a smooth and vibrant sauce. This option provides a rich and authentic flavor that can elevate your dishes in the absence of traditional enchilada sauce.

While enchilada sauce is a staple in many Mexican recipes, these substitutes can help you create delicious and satisfying dishes even when you don’t have the traditional sauce on hand. Whether you opt for a homemade version, a spicy salsa, or a rich mole sauce, experimenting with different substitutes can add a new dimension to your culinary creations.

Next time you find yourself without enchilada sauce, don’t fret – get creative and try one of these flavorful alternatives to keep your Mexican-inspired meals delicious and satisfying.

Have a great enchilada sauce substitute to share? Discuss your ideas with other passionate cooks in the Ingredients Spotlight section of our community forum.


Can I use salsa as a substitute for enchilada sauce?

Yes, salsa can be used as a substitute for enchilada sauce. It will add a similar tangy and spicy flavor to your dish. You can use it as is or blend it to achieve a smoother consistency before using it in your enchilada recipe.

What can I use if I don’t have enchilada sauce?

If you don’t have enchilada sauce, you can use a combination of tomato sauce, chili powder, cumin, garlic powder, and other seasonings to create a homemade substitute. This mixture can replicate the flavors of traditional enchilada sauce.

Are there any canned tomato-based products that can be used as a substitute for enchilada sauce?

Yes, canned tomato soup or tomato puree can be used as a substitute for enchilada sauce. You may need to add additional spices and seasonings to achieve the desired flavor profile for your enchilada dish.

Can I use hot sauce as a substitute for enchilada sauce?

Yes, hot sauce can be used as a substitute for enchilada sauce if you enjoy a spicier flavor. Keep in mind that hot sauce tends to be thinner in consistency, so you may need to adjust the recipe or thicken it with other ingredients.

What dairy-based products can be used as a substitute for enchilada sauce?

Dairy-based products such as sour cream or a combination of sour cream and salsa can be used as a substitute for enchilada sauce. This will create a creamy and tangy flavor profile for your enchilada dish.

What Is A Substitute For Enchilada Sauce? (2024)


What Is A Substitute For Enchilada Sauce? ›

Dairy-based products such as sour cream or a combination of sour cream and salsa can be used as a substitute for enchilada sauce. This will create a creamy and tangy flavor profile for your enchilada dish.

What can you use to replace enchilada sauce? ›

Tomato sauce is a good way to replace enchilada sauce if you're looking for a milder alternative. It's easy to take a pre-made tomato sauce and spice it and add other ingredients to get closer to a real enchilada sauce.

What is enchilada sauce made of? ›

What is Enchilada Sauce? Red enchilada sauce may also be called salsa roja, salsa roja para enchiladas or mole rojo. It is a sauce made out of ancho/ pasilla/New Mexico and/or Cascabel chiles, onion, garlic, tomatoes, broth, cumin, oregano, etc. all blended together then simmered until thickened.

Is enchilada sauce the same as salsa? ›

Salsa vs Enchilada Sauce

These two sauces might overlap in their ingredients, but the key difference is that enchilada sauce is thin, smooth, and served hot. It's also considered an important part of dishes like enchiladas, while salsa roja is a cold table sauce that can be added to anything.

Is red sauce the same as enchilada sauce? ›

In New Mexico, it's red chile sauce or New Mexico red sauce. In the rest of the country, it's enchilada sauce. There is no tomato in this sauce – the red comes from red chiles, as it should. It's merely a matter cooking up some onions and garlic and then mixing the rest of the ingredients in.

What is canned enchilada sauce made of? ›

Ingredients. Water, Tomato Puree (water, tomato paste), Modified Corn Starch. Contains 2% or less of: Sugar, Salt, Chile Pepper, Soybean Oil, Vinegar, Spice, Citric Acid, Hydrolyzed Corn Protein, Onion Powder, Natural Flavor, Color (black carrot and paprika extract).

What is the secret to good enchiladas? ›

The most important tip for avoiding soggy enchiladas is to briefly fry your tortillas in hot oil before you fill and roll. This creates a little bit of a barrier so that the tortillas don't soak up too much of the sauce and therefore start to break down.

Is Taco Bell sauce enchilada sauce? ›

You might know it best from the classic Bean Burrito on the menu today. But, actually, this enchilada-style sauce has been around for decades. A Taco Bell® sensation in every sense. Safe to say, red sauce has had plenty of time to hone its taste-bud-tantalizing, deliciously disarming techniques.

Does enchilada sauce taste like? ›

It has a lively hit of heat, and the warm, toasty, fruity flavors of chile peppers are balanced out with a pinch of salt, a touch of acid and a dash of tomato. Enchilada sauce isn't particularly difficult to make. But it's so much easier to just open a jar or can and pour — as long as that sauce is pour-worthy.

What is enchilada flavor? ›

Enchilada sauces include chili-based sauces, such as salsa roja, various moles, tomatillo-based sauces, such as salsa verde, or cheese-based sauces, such as chile con queso. Enchilada. Enchiladas with mole, served with refried beans and Spanish rice. Place of origin. Mexico.

Is green Mexican sauce the same as enchilada sauce? ›

The main difference between green enchilada sauce (verde sauce) and salsa verde is that enchilada sauce is cooked, and salsa verde is raw. Enchilada sauce also requires liquid (either stock or water), but salsa verde ingredients are simply blended together and eaten as is.

Can you substitute green enchilada sauce for red enchilada sauce? ›

It's a pretty ideal alternative. Try this green enchilada sauce in place of red enchilada sauce the next time you make your favorite enchilada recipe.

Is enchilada sauce the same as fajita sauce? ›

Fajitas and enchiladas both commonly have tortillas stuffed with a variety of toppings, but the sauce is the primary distinction between the two dishes. The traditional sauce for fajitas is garlic butter, while the normal sauce for enchiladas is chili pepper.

What can I use in place of enchilada sauce? ›

There's no cooking or heating involved to make it, so it's ready to go into your Mexican dishes in no time! You can often use Taco sauce in place of enchilada sauce, and salsa is a good substiture too.

What is a substitute for red sauce? ›

Thankfully, you probably have something in your pantry or fridge that you can use in its place. Let's look at four possible substitutes for tomato sauce: The two best are tomato paste and canned tomatoes, while ketchup and tomato soup can be used for certain recipes when you are really in a pinch.

What is normal enchilada sauce called? ›

The most common “red” enchilada sauce may also be called salsa roja, salsa roja para enchiladas, or mole rojo. This is a sauce made out of ancho/pasilla/New Mexico and/or Cascabel chiles, onion, garlic, tomatoes, broth, cumin, oregano, etc.

What foods are similar to enchiladas? ›

The word enchilada literally means 'covered in chili'. An Entomatada (meaning covered in tomato), is a similar thing, however it is actually covered with tomato sauce that has been cooked with some fresh chili.

What is another name for enchilada sauce? ›

Also known as salsa roja, salsa roja para enchiladas, or mole rojo, red enchilada sauce also contains vinegar, onions, and garlic, including spices like cumin. Some red enchilada sauces may use crushed tomato or tomato paste as a base.

What can I use instead of tomato paste in enchilada sauce? ›

You don't have to dash out to the store if you're out of tomato paste; tomato sauce and tomato puree are both an excellent substitute. For every 1 tablespoon of tomato paste needed, use 3 tablespoons of tomato puree or sauce.

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