Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (2024)

Why It Works

  • Beating the fat incorporates air to create a light and spongy masa.
  • Adding broth to the masa both seasons and hydrates the dough.
  • Letting the tamales rest in the steamer basket after cooking ensures they will have the proper texture once opened to eat.

Every year in the darkest days leading up to Christmas, my family gathers together to assemble hundreds of tamales for the winter holiday season. The Mexican tamales I know and love require a lot of time to make, so we save them for celebrations when all hands are on deck to help in the preparation, and we can fully appreciate them together.

There can never be “too many” tamales. They should be eaten in abundance and celebrated for the savory individually wrapped gifts that they are. There’s no denying that making them is a labor of love: The enriched masa (dough) is whipped until light and fluffy, thinly smeared across your preferred wrapper (we use corn husks) then topped with saucy filling, wrapped, and then steamed all together. The result is a tender and pleasantly spongy savory corn dough that complements the filling inside.

Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (1)

The recipe I am sharing here is based on the beloved Mexican tamales that my family still unwraps first thing every Christmas morning—ignoring the presents under the tree. But it’s important to recognize that there are many different versions of tamales.

For example, I once ordered a single tamal from a Colombian cafe, anticipating a small snack between meals. I wasn't expecting to receive a heavy paper sack with one big banana leaf pouch filled with carrots, pork belly, and an entire chicken drumstick. It wasn't much of a “light snack,” but it was a delicious learning experience. Even across Mexico, tamales range from spongy to fudgy, square to triangular, and savory to sweet. And while tamales can be found in high-end restaurants, some of the best tamales I’ve had are from vendors in grocery store parking lots slinging foil-wrapped tamales from red coolers.

Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (2)

There's no limit to how tamales can be enjoyed or what you can find stuffed into a tamal. Whether they're filled with beans, squash flowers, or fish, I make it a point to try all variations I come across, and I encourage you to do the same. I’ve developed recipes for my preferred tamal fillings of puerco rojo, pollo con salsa verde, and birria that are great filling options with this tamal recipe. But before you even get to the filling, a well made masa para tamales is a must. Here are the steps to making a great dough for tamales and how to assemble special occasion–worthy tamales at home.

What Is Masa?

Masa para tamales (dough for tamales) is a blend of nixtamalized corn—fresh or dried—with lots of fat for richness, baking powder to leaven and lighten the dough, salt for seasoning, and flavorful broth to bind it all together and hydrate the dough. In terms of texture, a well made masa para tamales should be soft and pliable enough to spread in a thin layer for wrapping. And for truly great tamales, rather than just relying on the fillings for flavor, the dough must be rich and well seasoned from the added fat, liquid, and salt.

Around the winter holidays, I’ll often find large bags of freshly prepared masa para tamales at my local Mexican grocery stores in California. The doughs are often in varied vibrant colors thanks to fruits or vegetables that have been blended into them. If you can find freshly made store-bought masa that’s made from fresh nixtamalized maiz, it’s a great option to start this recipe with. The texture and flavor of masa para tamales made from fresh nixtamalized corn is incomparable. I encourage you to at some point seek it out and try this shaping technique and recipe with it. Or try nixtamalization at home with Daniel Gritzer’s technique here.

While freshly made nixtamalized corn will produce the most corn-forward masa, it’s a big project to make and can be challenging to source. Instead I call for starting with masa harina, dried nixtamalized corn flour, in this recipe. It’s easily accessible and shelf-stable and, when properly whipped up, will create a dough that is pliable and easy to shape into tamales and still have masa para tamales’ signature savory and complex corn appeal.

Making the Masa

Great masa para tamales starts with fat—and lots of it. Tamal dough should be rich and supple. This is not only for flavor, but for ease of shaping and proper texture. The fat in the masa is typically lard, but experimenting with different fats is a fun way to add flavor to the masa. Asiento (the infused fat produced during the chicharrón- or carnitas-making process) or duck fat are flavorful options to substitute for lard in tamal dough. Whatever saturated fat you choose for your dough, the fat first needs to be beaten in a stand mixer until light and fluffy. Incorporating air into the fat at this stage prevents the masa from becoming heavy and dense once cooked. This process works best with softened room temperature fat, but if the fat is too cold and firm and starts riding around the stand mixer instead of spreading evenly, work the fat with your hands to soften it up a bit before trying again. It can also be done entirely by hand, but it takes longer and requires a couple of ice cubes to keep the fat from melting.

In addition to the added fat, a leavener must be added to keep the dough light and fluffy. Traditionally, masa was leavened using the water from boiled tomatillo husks and tequesquite, a mineral containing sodium carbonate. Today, baking powder is used as a substitute to leaven the dough.

Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (3)

The next step is to add the masa harina to the fat in small increments. Once the masa is fully incorporated with the fat, it’s hydrated by gradually drizzling in small amounts of broth. I strongly encourage you to use a flavorful homemade broth here to build flavor into the tamal dough. It’s typical for the broth used in the tamal dough to be the reserved cooking liquid from preparing the accompanying tamal filling.

After you add the broth, the finished masa para tamales should feel airy and moist but not sticky or crumbly. If it’s too sticky, add a tablespoon of masa harina at a time until you reach the desired texture. If it’s too crumbly, add a tablespoon of water or broth at a time. Before adding any salt to the dough, cook a small amount of masa over a preheated skillet or in the microwave, then taste and season accordingly. The amount of salt it’ll need depends on how salty the added broth is.

A stand mixer is preferable to mixing by hand because it’s hands off and allows you to focus your attention on preparing the filling. Tightly wrap your masa with plastic in a large bowl until ready to use to prevent it from drying out.

Selecting Wrappers for the Tamales

Tamales can be wrapped with corn leaves, banana leaves, leafy greens, reed leaves, chaya leaves, Swiss chard leaves, or dried corn husks. Fresh leaves impart a grassy flavor to the tamal. This recipe uses dried corn husks, which I like because they impart a subtle corn flavor and are easier to find in Mexican food markets. They need to be soaked and dried at least 20 minutes before you begin wrapping. Use the smooth side of the husk as the interior, as the rough texture of the outside can make the masa stick. Fully unfold the wrapper before adding the masa to make sure all the ridges are filled.

Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (4)

It’s easiest to use large corn husks that measure about eight inches long by six inches wide at the open end; if the husks are smaller, you may need to use two per tamale by shingling them to hold all of the filling. If you do use corn husks that are different from this recommended size, you may need to adjust the amount of masa and the dimensions for each tamal. The most important part with shaping is that the masa is spread into a very thin layer.

Assembling the Tamales

Assembling tamales is a lot of work—there’s no getting around it. It’s why my family waits to make tamales until we are all together, to help divide the labor. It takes finesse to make a tamal that has a thin outer masa shell that encapsulates the filling and stays intact once steamed and peeled open. While my detailed instructions are a great starting point, this is an experience that is best learned hands-on. The more you make, the better and faster you will be with the process of shaping tamales. Dive right into the assembly. It may be a sticky mess at first, but you will improve with each tamal, I promise.

Start by spreading a thin layer of masa across the wide end of the wrapper. You can use your preferred spreading tool here—think small offset spatula, the back of a spoon, a bench scraper, or a plastic bag, or even just wet fingers to pat the dough into place. I’ve given dimension suggestions for the preferred size of the corn husk wrappers for this recipe, with a corresponding amount of masa to properly fill them. But the amount of masa used per tamal will depend on the size of your wrapper, and you may need to adjust accordingly.

Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (5)

When shaping the dough, it’s important to leave a 1-inch border around the sides and top of the wrapper. This allows headspace for the tamal to puff up and grow as it cooks. The narrow tail end of the corn husk should never be filled. If any masa creeps towards the edges, simply swipe it clean with your finger and add it back to the masa pile. The layer of masa should be very thin, but don’t worry—as it steams it will rise and expand.

Once the filling is laid out down the length of the masa, it’s time to wrap. While I’ve seen recipes that roll the tamal closed, I find it is easiest and most secure to fold one side over the masa and filling and then fold the second side over, meeting the first folded side in the center. It’s OK if there’s a thin layer of masa in between the husk: Think of it as protective edible glue that ensures the filling stays put while steaming.

Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (6)

Finally, tuck the tail end of the wrapper at least a quarter of the way up the tamal on the same side as the previous folds. At this step, the tamales can be tied closed with strips of corn husk if desired, but it isn’t necessary. A properly folded tamal will stay sealed once it’s standing up and cooking in the steamer basket.

Cooking the Tamales

Mexican tamales are traditionally cooked in large metal steamers with enough space to fit many dozens of tamales and that hold plenty of water for the extended cook time . For this scaled-down home version, a large stock pot or Dutch oven with a basic steamer basket will work best for a batch of 25 tamales.

The most efficient way to steam tamales is to lean them on each other and keep them as upright as possible. This maximizes the space in the steamer and also prevents the filling from oozing out as it cooks. If your steamer isn’t airtight, seal the edges of the lid with aluminum foil. You’ll want to keep a pot of boiling water handy and keep a watchful eye on the tamales as they steam. If the pot runs dry, add more water as needed for proper steaming.

Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (7)

The tamales are ready when the wrapper peels cleanly from the masa. It’s tempting to peel back the wrapper and dive in immediately, but don’t! They need at least 20 minutes resting off the heat to firm up so they will hold their shape once open. Only then are they ready to unwrap. Toppings aren’t required, but tamales can be enjoyed with queso, crema, or salsa. If you’re a hot sauce fan like my dad, you can even slather them in Tapatio.

This recipe makes an accessible 25 tamales that someone would be able to assemble all on their own, but the recipe also can easily be doubled, and tamales freeze and reheat very well. I suggest you invite your favorite kitchen helpers over, turn on some good music, and get assembling. These tamales are worth the celebration.

Recipe Details


Prep60 mins

Cook4 hrs

Resting Time20 mins

Total5 hrs 20 mins


  • 25 large dried corn husks, each measuring about 8 inches long by 6 inches wide (about 6 ounces; 170g) (see notes)

  • 1 cup lard, vegetable shortening, or duck fat (6 ounces; 170g), softened

  • 3 1/3 cups masa harina (12 3/4 ounces; 361g) (see notes)

  • 1 1/4 teaspoons (6g) baking powder

  • 1/2 teaspoon Diamond crystal kosher salt; if using table salt use half as much by volume

  • 2 cups (475ml) homemade chicken, pork, or beef broth or store-bought low-sodium chicken broth (see notes)

  • 1 recipe rojos de puerco, pollo con salsa verde, or birria for filling the tamales

  • Queso, crema, salsa, and/or hot sauce, for serving (optional)


  1. In a large bowl, add corn husks and cover with hot water; soak until pliable, 20 to 30 minutes. Make sure they are fully submerged by weighing them down with a heavy plate, if needed.

    Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (8)

  2. Meanwhile, in a stand mixer, using the paddle attachment, beat the lard (or other listed fat if using) on medium speed until smooth, light and airy, about 4 minutes. (See notes.)

    Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (9)

  3. Stop mixer, use a spatula to scrape down sides of mixer bowl, and add masa harina and baking powder. Start mixer and gradually increase speed to medium and mix until well combined, about 1 minute.

    Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (10)

  4. With mixer running, slowly drizzle in broth or water, until well combined and dough forms, about 5 minutes. Dough should be moist, smooth, and spongy in texture.

    Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (11)

  5. To test dough for seasoning, flatten a small piece of dough between your fingers, then microwave on high power until cooked through, about for 15 seconds. Taste and add salt by returning to stand mixer or kneading in by hand, if needed.

    Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (12)

  6. Remove husks from water and pat dry with a clean kitchen towel. Working with 1 husk at a time, lay flat on work surface, cupped side up. Using a small offset spatula, back of spoon, or bench scraper, spread about 2 tablespoons (32g) of the prepared masa into a thin layer across the center of the wrapper, leaving a 1-inch border from the wide open end of the wrapper and from both sides, and leaving the bottom 2-inches of the narrow tail end empty. You should have a roughly 4-inch by 4-inch flat square of dough (see notes). If necessary, remove any excess masa using a small offset spatula or butter knife.

    Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (13)

  7. Spread 2 tablespoons of your preferred filling down the center of the dough in a vertical line running the direction of the tapered tail to the open top.

    Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (14)

  8. With the corn husk’s tapered tail end facing you, fold 1 long side of the corn husk over the filling, stopping and pressing in the middle. Fold the other long side of the husk over the filling, meeting the other folded husk in the middle. Make sure both folded husk edges overlap slightly for a secure closure. Tuck the unfilled tapered tail up to create a secure pouch with 1 open end. Repeat with remaining corn husks, masa, and filling.

    Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (15)

  9. Fit large pot or Dutch oven with steamer basket, removing feet from steamer basket if pot is short. Fill pot with water until it just touches bottom of basket and bring to a boil. Gently stand tamales in the basket with open ends facing up and seam sides facing out. Cover and steam, checking water level and adding additional water as needed, until tamales easily separate from husks, 60 to 90 minutes. Rest in the steamer basket, uncovered and off heat until fully firm, 20 minutes. Transfer to a platter, carefully open and serve.

    Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (16)

Special Equipment

Stand mixer with paddle attachment, kitchen scale, steamer basket, large pot or large Dutch oven


Masa harina is available in the Latin foods aisle at most grocery stores. I like to use Maseca and Masienda brands. Maseca is more widely available, while Masienda usually needs to be ordered online. I tested this recipe with both brands and found they were interchangeable in the recipe when measured by weight.

It’s easiest to use large corn husks that measure about 8 inches long by 6 inches wide at the open end; if the husks are small, you may need to use two per tamal by shingling them as needed to hold all of the filling. If you do use corn husks that are different from this recommended size, you may need to adjust the amount of masa needed and the dimensions for each tamal. The most important thing for proper shaping is to be sure to spread the masa into a very thin layer.

Make-Ahead and Storage

Uncooked assembled tamales can be refrigerated for up to 2 days or frozen for up to 1 month. When cooking frozen tamales, steam them for an additional 15 minutes.

Cooked tamales can be refrigerated for up to 4 days or frozen for up to 6 months. Refrigerated tamales can be reheated in the corn husks by steaming, microwaving, or grilling. Frozen tamales should not be thawed before steaming.

Everything You Need to Know About Making Mexican Tamales (2024)


What is a common mistake when making tamales? ›

One of the biggest mistakes is not mixing the masa dough long enough; this causes the tamales to fall apart. Mix the masa dough, with an ELECTRIC MIXER, until a small amount (1 tsp) floats in a cup of water.

What not to do when making tamales? ›

The biggest qualm many people have with tamales is that the ingredients are all mixed together. After all, it's likely to occur, considering your fillings have to steam with the masa. We recommend integrating new textures, such as roasted or charred veggies, into your tamale to avoid a soggy, claggy filling.

What do you need to know about tamales? ›

Tamales are a traditional Mexican dish made with a corn based dough mixture that is filled with various meats or beans and cheese. Tamales are wrapped and cooked in corn husks or banana leaves, but they are removed from the husks before eating. Try them served with pico de gallo on top and a side of guacamole and rice.

Should tamale masa sink or float? ›

Drop a small ball of corn masa in a cup of water. If it floats, the masa is ready. If it sinks, add more lard!

What is the secret to great tamales? ›

Lard will add flavor and texture to your tamales, so before you start doing anything else, make sure to beat the lard thoroughly. Then, add the dough and the water alternating. That is the secret to fluffy tamales!

What is the penny trick for tamales? ›

To make sure there is sufficient water in the bottom of your steamer pot when cooking the tamales, put a penny in the water. The penny should rattle the entire time that the tamales are steaming– if the penny stops rattling, you know that you need to add more water.

What happens if you don't put baking powder in tamales? ›

Masa for tamales can be made with or without baking powder. It helps the dough rise and it gives tamales a lighter texture.

How long do tamales take to cook? ›

Cover and cook on HIGH for about 3-6 hours. Step 4: Remove a tamal and unwrap. If the corn husks easily pulls away from the masa without sticking it is ready. Step 5: If serving right away, remove the tamales to a platter and cover with a clean kitchen towel for 30 minutes to rest.

What makes tamales so good? ›

What makes tamales so good? This enduring Mexican tradition is made with a dependable grain and laced with rich spices and fresh herbs infused into its fillings. The core of Mexican food is a very humble, sustaining ingredient called maize.

What is the big deal about tamales? ›

Tamales are about tradition. They bring the entire family together. It is part art, part hard work, part repetitive labor but all family bonding. This is a very special time that brings generations together, an event families look forward to each year, making it a joyous and meaningful gathering.

Can I use crisco instead of lard for tamales? ›

If you don't have lard, vegetable shortening is an ideal substitute. Made from hydrogenated vegetable oil, vegetable shortening has the same congealed, gel-like consistency and white hue as lard and emulsifies just as easily into corn masa.

How do I know when to add more water to tamales? ›

Fit the tamales into the deep steamer basket of a pasta pot, standing them with the open ends up. Fill the pot with about 1 inch of water, and place a coin in the pot so you can tell if the water has evaporated (you'll know you need to add more water when the jiggling noise from the coin stops).

What does baking soda do in tamales? ›

In addition to the added fat, a leavener must be added to keep the dough light and fluffy. Traditionally, masa was leavened using the water from boiled tomatillo husks and tequesquite, a mineral containing sodium carbonate. Today, baking powder is used as a substitute to leaven the dough.

Why do my tamales come out mushy? ›

After cooking, have you ever wondered why your tamales are so mushy? This is probably because you're either undercooking them or oversteaming them. If your tamales seem mushy right after cooking, giving them some resting time can make a big difference.

Why are my tamales dry and crumbly? ›

Even a light dough won't save a tamal from being undercooked or dry and crumbly, so cooking them long enough is important. You may see recipes that call for multiple hours of steaming, but those recipes are often for a LARGE steamer basket full of these gems.

Why did my tamales come out grainy? ›

If your masa isn't adequately hydrated, the tamales will come out sandy and dry; if you haven't beaten the dough enough, they'll be too dense.

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